No Time to Die (2020)

| Action, Adventure, Thriller | IMDB



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Bond 25: No Time to Die

Bond er ikke længere i aktiv tjeneste og nyder et mere stille og tilbagetrukket liv på Jamaica. Freden bliver dog kort, da hans gamle ven Felix Leiter fra CIA dukker op og beder om hjælp. Missionen for at redde en kidnappet videnskabsmand viser sig dog at være langt mere faretruende end forventet og leder Bond på sporet af en mystisk skurk, der er bevæbnet med en ny og farlig teknologi.




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Movie News


Endnu en formidabel spionfilm med Daniel Craig

" Efter en forsinkelse på to år får Bond 25: No Time to Die endelig premiere. Den skulle oprindeligt have været udgivet i foråret 2020, men så ramte pandemien os og filmen blev udskudt flere gange. Denne film bliver en af de bedste med Daniel Craig, som leverer en super præstation. Bonds gamle ven Felix dukker pludselig op på Jamaica, hvor Bond lever en fredelig tilværelse. Felix har brug for hjælp til at redde en kidnappet videnskabsmand. Det viser sig dog hurtigt at blive mere kompliceret end forventet og Bond kommer hurtigt på sporet af en skurk bevæbnet men en farlig ny teknologi. Den kan ses i biograferne fra d. 30 September. "


Bond-film udskudt igen

" Grundet de langvarige nedlukninger verden over er den nyeste James Bond-film desværre blevet udskudt endnu en gang. Den nye premieredato hedder den 8. oktober. Bond er ikke den eneste film, som er blevet påvirket af lukkede biografer. ‘Peter Kanin hopper hjemmefra’ er blevet udskudt til den 11. juni, ‘Ghostbusters 3’ kommer først i biograferne den 11. november og ‘Uncharted’ kan vi først vente at se i den 11. februar 2022. "


Hvem skal afløse Daniel Craig?

" Daniel Craig har spillet den ikoniske rolle som James Bond hele 5 gange, men han har også meldt ud, at ‘No Time to Die’ bliver hans sidste gang. Derfor er spekulationerne i gang om, hvem der skal overtage. Casterne bag James Bond har meldt ud, at de er åbne for at spionen kan blive spillet af en person med en anden etnicitet eller endda af en kvinde. Men lad os nu se, hvor eksperimenterende valget i sidste ende bliver. En af de helt store favoritter lige pt er Regé-Jean Page, der spiller hovedrollen i Netflix serien ‘Bridgerton’. Et andet populært bud er Tom Hardy, som må siges at have fysikken til at spille Bond. Andre populære bud er bl.a. Lashana Lynch, som spiller med i den nyeste Bond-film, Tom Hiddleston der er kendt for sin rolle som Loke, Cillian Murphy fra serien ‘Peaky Blinders’ og naturligvis Idris Elba som længe har været på mange Bond-fans ønskeliste. Hvem kunne du godt tænke dig, at se som James Bond? "


Ingen James Bond i 2020

" 2020 er året med uendelige præmiereudskydelser, og vi er åbenbart ikke færdige endnu. Den nye James Bond film ’No Time To Die’ er nemlig blevet udskudt endnu en gang, og får derfor først premiere den 2. april 2021. Det er et helt år efter filmens oprindelige præmieredato, der skulle have været april 2020. Filmen blev først udskudt frem til november 2020, men nu er den altså blevet rykket igen, fordi covid-19 stadig hærger mange steder rundt omkring på kloden og mange biografsale i særligt USA fortsat er lukkede. "


Ny trailer til James Bond

" En af de eneste fordele ved alle de udskudte filmpremierer er, at vi så til gengæld har fået masser af flotte og spændende trailers. Og det gælder også ’James Bond 25: No Time to Die’. Filmen har endelig fået fastsat en dansk premieredato den 12. november, og indtil da kan vi glæde os ved den nye trailer, som afslører en del mere end de foregående. "


Ny præmieredato til James Bond

" Ligesom en række andre film, har den nye James Bond film ’No Time to Die’ fået udskudt sin præmiere. Men der er heldigvis allerede kommet en ny dato, og vi kan derfor se frem mod et gensyn med Hr. Bond den 12. november. Det bliver efter sigende sidste film med Daniel Craig i hovedrollen, og udover ham får vi også glæden af dygtige skuespillere så som Rami Malek, Rory Kinnear, Lea Seydoux, Ralph Fiennes, Naomie Harris, Ben Whishaw, Jeffery Wright og Christoph Waltz. "


Grammy vinder står bag nyt James Bond soundtrack

" James Bond er et ikon, og de musikere der har lavet soundtracks til James Bond film, har alle skrevet sig ind i historiebøgerne, hvis de ikke allerede var nævnt. Billie Eilish er ingen undtagelse og alligevel skiller hun sig ud. Udover at stå bag soundtracket til den kommende James Bond film, har hun nemlig lige gjort rent bord ved dette års Grammy uddeling. Her tog hun både prisen for album, record, song og best new artist. Det er hun kun den anden i Grammy’ens historie, der har gjort og den første kvinde til at gøre. Eilish’s overbevisende trofæhøst har fået flere kritikere til at spekulere i, om hun mon kan vinde en Oscar næste år for sit James Bond soundtrack. ’James Bond 25: No Time to Die’ får dansk biografpremiere den 2. april. "


What we look forward to in 2020

" 2020 is just around the corner and we already look forward to all the upcoming movies. One of next year’s most awaited movies is probably the last Bond movie with Daniel Craig in the lead ‘No Time to Die’, which will premiere in Danish cinemas in April. Among the big Blockbusters there are also great expectations for ‘Black Widow’ from the Avengers series. The movie is going to be about Natasha Romanoff, also known as Black Widow, and will be the second film in the Avengers series with a female lead. On the Danish scene we especially look forward to the World War 2 movie ’De Forbandede år’ and ’Klovn: The Final’, which are both expected to draw huge crowds to the cinemas. If you are looking for a family film then keep an eye out for ‘Minions: The Rise of Gru’, which will give us the story behind the loveable characters from ‘Despicable Me’. "


Daniel Craig i sidste runde som Bond

" Daniel Craig har indtaget rollen som den legendariske agent James Bond i over 10 år, men nu ser det ud til, at rejse er ved at være ved sin ende. ’No Time to Die’ bliver nemlig Craigs sidste film som 007. I den nye film er Bond stoppet som aktiv agent og nyder sit otium på Jamaica, men han bliver kontaktet af Felix Leither fra CIA og må trække i arbejdstøjet for at redde verden endnu en gang. Den nye film byder udover Craig også på en række andre store stjerner heriblandt Rami Malek, Christoph Waltz, Ralph Fiennes, Naomie Harris, Lashana Lynch og Léa Seydoux. ’No Time to Die’ er sat til at få dansk biografpremiere den 2. april 2020. "





Bond 25

It all started in 1962 with the “Dr. No” film, the first of the James Bond series, starring Sean Connery as the fictional MI6 agent 007 and Ursula Andress as his girl during the Jamaica mission. Today we have the honour to see the jubilee 25th film for the adventures of the legendary British spy. “No Time to Die” is the 5th film featuring Daniel Craig as Bond, James Bond and also his last role in the series. We are back to Jamaica where our ex-spy enjoys a peaceful but luxury living as he is no longer in active service. The tranquil days are over when an old friends finds Bond and asks him for help. It is a rescue mission to save a kidnapped scientist that goes out of control when it turns out that a dangerous technology is in the wrong hands.




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Movie News


Fabulous spy movie with Daniel Craig

" Bond 25: No Time to Die finally premieres after a two-year delay. It was originally supposed to have been released in the spring of 2020, but then the pandemic hit us and the movie was postponed several times. This movie will be one of the best with Daniel Craig. Bond's old friend Felix suddenly shows up in Jamaica, where Bond lives a peaceful life. Felix needs help to rescue a kidnapped scientist. However, it quickly turns out to be more complicated than expected and Bond gets on the trail of a villain armed with dangerous new technology. It can be seen in the cinemas from 30 September. "


Bond movie postponed again

" Due to the prolonged shutdowns worldwide, the latest James Bond movie has unfortunately been postponed once again. The new release date is October 8th. Bond is not the only film that has been influenced by closed cinemas. ‘Peter Rabbit’ has been postponed until June 11th, ‘Ghostbusters 3’ will not hit theaters until November 11th and we can’t expect to see ‘Uncharted’ until February 11th, 2022. "


Who will replace Daniel Craig?

" Daniel Craig has played the iconic role of James Bond 5 times, but he has also announced that ‘No Time to Die’ will be his last round. Therefore, speculations are underway about who will take over. The casters behind James Bond have announced that they are open to the spy being played by a person of a different ethnicity or even by a woman. But let's see how experimental they are willing to be. One of the big favorites right now is Regé-Jean Page, who stars in the Netflix series ‘Bridgerton’. Another popular bid is Tom Hardy, who has the physique to play Bond. Other popular bids include Lashana Lynch, who stars in the latest Bond film, Tom Hiddleston who is known for his role as Loki, Cillian Murphy from the series ‘Peaky Blinders’ and of course Idris Elba who has long been on many Bond fans' wish list. Who would you like to see as James Bond? "


Best movies in 2021

" The film year of 2020 was marked by postponed Blockbusters and Danish success. In 2021, we look forward to seeing some of all the movies that we were cheated of in the past year. Among the most anticipated films are: ‘James Bond: No Time To Die’, which is said to be Daniel Craig's last film as James Bond; ‘Dune’ starring Timothée Chalamet; ‘Top Gun: Maverick’, which brings Tom Cruise back in the role of Pete Maverick Mitchell; ‘Black Widow’ with Scarlett Johansson and ‘Ternet Ninja 2’. So if you have received a gift card for the movies as a Christmas present, there are plenty to choose from. "


No James Bond in 2020

" 2020 is the year of endless premiere pushbacks, and we are obviously not done yet. The new James Bond movie 'No Time To Die' has been postponed once again, and will therefore not be released until April 2, 2021. It is a full year after the movie's original release date, which should have been in April 2020. The film was first moved to November 2020, but now it has been moved again because covid-19 is still ravaging many places around the globe and many movie theaters in the USA in particular are still closed. "


New trailer for James Bond

" One of the only advantages of all the postponed film premieres is that we in return have gotten lots of beautiful and exciting trailers. And the same goes for ‘James Bond 25: No Time to Die’. The film has finally gotten a Danish premiere date on November 12th, and until then we can enjoy the new trailer, which reveals a lot more than the previous ones. "


New premiere date for James Bond

" Like many other movies the premiere of the new James Bond film ‘No Time to Die’ has been postponed. But luckily a new date has already been set, and we can look forward to meeting James Bond in Danish cinemas again on the 12. of November. Allegedly, it will be the last film with Daniel Craig in the lead, and besides him we can also look forward to great actors such as Rami Malek, Rory Kinnear, Lea Seydoux, Ralph Fiennes, Naomie Harris, Ben Whishaw, Jeffery Wright and Christoph Waltz. "


Premieres postponed

" Due to the closing of Danish cinemas an array of movies will have their premieres postponed. These are primarily movies with premieres on the 12., 19., and 26. of March and the 2. of April. At the moment the movies are Kød & Blod, The Peanut Butter Falcon, Weathering with You, SamSam, Dark waters, A Quiet Place, Little Women, Mulan, Trolls på Verdensturné, No Time To Die, Bølle på Eventyr, La Belle époque, X-Men: The New Mutants, Peter Kanin hopper hjemmefra og Fast & Furious 9. Here at Bioguiden we will keep you updated with the new premiere dates as soon as they are released. "


Grammy winner behind new James Bond soundtrack

" James Bond is an icon, and the musicians who make soundtracks to James Bond movies all earned their place in the history books, if they weren’t already mentioned. Billie Eilish is no exception but yet she stands out. Besides being behind the soundtrack to the upcoming James Bond movie, she just cleared the table at this year’s Grammys. She took home the award for both album, record, song and best new artist, as only the second person in Grammy history and the first female. Eilish’s convincing trophy harvest has left many critics speculating whether she could win an Oscar next year for her James Bond Soundtrack. ’James Bond 25: No Time to Die’ will premiere in Danish cinemas on the 2nd of April. "


Daniel Craig in his last round as Bond

" Daniel Craig has played the role as the legendary James Bond for more than a decade, but now it seems that the journey has come to an end. ‘No Time to Die’ will be Craig’s last movie as 007. In the new film Bond is no longer an active agent and is enjoying his retirement in Jamaica when Felix Leither from CIA shows up, and Bond has to get back in business to save the world once again. Besides Craig the new movie has casted an array of great stars, including Rami Malek, Christoph Waltz, Ralph Fiennes, Naomie Harris, Lashana Lynch and Léa Seydoux. ‘No Time to Die’ will premiere in Danish cinemas on the 4. of April 2020. "