En hvid, hvid dag (2019)



En hvid, hvid dag

I en afsidesliggende islandsk by fatter den pensionerede politichef Ingimundur mistanke om, at en mand fra byen skulle have haft en affære med hans hustru, der for nylig døde i et trafikuheld. Gradvist besættes Ingimundur af ønsket om at finde frem til sandheden. Det medfører, at han ikke blot udsætter sig selv for fare men også hans allernærmeste. En fortælling om sorg, hævn og ubetinget kærlighed. EN HVID, HVID DAG er instrueret af islandske Hlynur Pálmason (’Vinterbrødre’) og filmens hovedrolleindehaver Ingvar E. Sigurðsson (Om Heste og Mænd’) vandt en Rising Star Award på dette års Cannes Film Festival.






Øst for Paradis
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Movie News


Når en mand går op i limningen

" Den islandske instruktør Hlynur Palmason, der tidligere har stået bag ’Vinterbrødre’ er aktuel med endnu et stærkt drama. ’En hvid, hvid dag’ finder sted på Island og handler om politimanden Ingimundur, der lige har mistet sin kone. Ingimundur begynder i sin sorg at mistænke konen for at have haft en affære, og herefter begynder en altopslugende besættelse for at komme til bunds og finde sandheden. Filmen behandler sorg, maskulinitet, bitterhed, hævn, kærlighed og galskab. Alt sammen med det smukkeste bagtæppe af islandsk natur. ’En hvid, hvid dag’ får dansk biografpremiere den 5. december. "




Not Rated

A White, White Day

There’s a saying that there’s no such thing as a former policeman. Ingimundur is an example that the saying is actually true. Being a police chief on leave, he is mourning the accidental death of his wife while, at the same time, there is a little possibility that the woman to whom he had been happily married for years hasn't been faithful to him. The obsession of his wife’s possible affair slowly possesses Ingimundur’s life and poisons the relationship with his loved ones. The dramatical situation is set in an Icelandic town, located far and away from the civilisation. Saying that this is a drama shouldn’t fool you into believing that some sort of strong emotions are being expressed all the time in this film. No, my friend, this is the North, where people don’t rely on cheap self-help guides to teach them how to artificially maintain a non-stop positive attitude to the world, to life. This is the real world.




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